Today was a day for organization. Boxed last year's paperwork. Created new folders for the coming year. All at home (Wednesday is Home For The Morning Day) Then, headed to the studio. Made lids, spouts for the teapot bodies that I threw on Monday. What really dominated the studio was the music today: Flight of the Conchords, KD Lang, JJ Cale. Most of music made me a little nostalgic for college days (obviously not the Conchords, being in my 40's and all but still...) A phone call from Digler didn't help either.
So I'm trying to figure out how to make my pots like the Conchords: fun, rhythmic (or atleast not rhythmically challenged), unpredictable. I played KD Lang right afterwards (Ingenue) - beautiful, haunting. A lot of the pots I have been looking at recently (Jennifer Allen, Julia Galloway, Kristen Kieffer and yeah, you, Jim, have similiar qualities - intricate details, gorgeous colors, luscious surfaces. I don't think I can get my work there, but I love studying it...
...and then I listen to the Conchords and I'm ok with where I'm at. (also listen to the Dirtminers - equally crazy and fun and irreverant). Somewhere between raw (think Japanese pots chiseled from local clay) and chunky/funky (maybe, Christa Assad or Tim Rowan?)
Tomorrow, I glaze a dozen pots for a raku firing on friday...
BTW - the image of JJ Cale comes from last.fm
hey john, fun post... i love the idea of music as pots. i can hardly work without stuff playing anymore and am always curious what others are listening to. i never heard ingenue although i had a couple of kd's earlier cds. lately, i'm going through the entire david gray discography.